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Comparison & Competition

It's important to recognise that constantly being compared and compelled to compete with other children can leave a harsh psychological effect on little children's minds.

Not every child is able to manage this pressure, or feel comfortable with it. As a result, they often display behaviours that are not accepted and become trapped in a vicious circle of comparison and competition. 

Children are expected to "fit in" to many different templates set by parents, siblings, family, school, and society. They are made to put in their best efforts to try and live up to these expectations, or else risk being branded for life. These deep hurts received in childhood can have a lasting impact on their lives. 

Understanding the damaging effect the fear psychosis can have on both the body and mind our activities are focused on building a safe, healthy environment for children, so that they can grow up without the fear of constant comparison and competition yet blend in beautifully, have a self-presence and  without having to bear the burdens of the society.

The Space

At our enriched learning center, children get to experience and learn concepts in a natural environment. Respected and taken care of with love, the children quickly become comfortable and are willing to take up new responsibilities. We depend on all five senses when it comes to teaching the children, and involve the older children and adults in daily chores—like kitchen work, gardening, and cleaning—to keep the premises clean and hygienic. Our setup promotes non-authoritarian, fear-free behavior, without taking away from the seriousness of work that needs to be done. Parents can be confident that their children will be taken care of with love and respect while they’re learning in a safe, natural environment. We’re here to help your children become more self-sufficient, responsible, and successful.

Children explore the true meaning of “freedom with responsibility”. They interact and work with all ages during the time spent at Akshara Manèy. 

Reward & Punishments

At Akshara Manèy, we believe that the traditional approach of carrot and stick or reward and punishment for 'educating' children does not work. Instead, we aim to foster an environment where children have the freedom to explore and build a relationship with the facilitator. This enables us to recognise and nurture the unique capabilities of each child, rather than imposing a “same age- same learning” approach and instilling fear and pressure to perform. 

The Psychology

Our facilitators, many of whom are parents themselves, are having rich experience of working in distinguished careers. They have consciously chosen to be in the education field to explore the right education. Our entire staff are sensitised to the requirements of being part of such an education space. Facilitators are in constant dialogue with children regarding important issues keeping the channel of communication open and honest.


Dialogue sessions are also conducted every week, where parents and people who have worked in Krishnamurti schools share their experiences. The conversations never have any conclusion rather the questions are kept alive at the end of every session. 


​The adults interact with each and every child everyday and develop a deep affectionate and a bond of care and trust which facilitates the knowledge transfer between them joyously. Our curriculum includes engaging, capacity-appropriate projects that hone both skills and intellect.

In every interaction, there is room for spontaneity, ingenuity, intuitiveness, and insight.

One Size Cannot Fit All

There is no one method to teaching-learning. Our educators have put in extensive research to come up with innovative ways of teaching-learning. Through this, they are able to stimulate the minds of children and help them better understand their surroundings. Every child has a tailor-made curriculum, pedagogy, tools and learning atmosphere. They get to learn History, Languages, Maths and Sciences in an integrated way. For younger children, there is sufficient time for exploring topics that motivate them. Environmental studies form part of the overall syllabus and both young and old can study about nature and living beings. The focus here is on understanding rather than on the speed at which a task is completed.

Mixed Age Grouping

At our learning sessions, children experience 360 degrees of knowledge-absorption; an invaluable component of each day. They are grouped in a mix of ages, allowing for healthy peer learning and development in both the younger and older age groups. This approach to academic subjects is without any pressure or expectations, allowing the students to explore, investigate and inquire. 

As a result, enthusiasm from the learners is tangible as they plan and execute ideas with one another in small groups - free from any demand of performance or memorisation persuasion.

Our priority has always been to cultivate an inquisitive and learning mindset that is compassionate, aware, and fearless. We focus on an education that includes learning about oneself as it relates to one’s relationship with people and the environment.


We believe that learning is not only about conceptualizing; rather, it is the “approach” that leads to real education. The same problems and situations can be present all over the world but the end result varies depending on the approach taken.


The Center is intentionally situated in a natural environment with less of enclosed classrooms, instead we have large tree canopies as our learning areas. Ware close enough to South Bengaluru yet in a tranquil atmosphere. This does not mean that we are cut off or secluded from the “real world”; our interactions with peacocks, birds, insects, trees, reptiles, etc., have inspired our children to include them in their stories and theater activities as well as accept them as neighbors.

Our children learn through exploration, inquiry and investigation rather than memorisation; this helps bring out their authentic enthusiasm both in themselves and their mentors.


Online Sessions Transitions To Physical Classes

During these recent scenarios of online sessions, our facilitators have adapted quickly to the changing environment of teaching-learning and have developed the curriculum according to the demands prevailing as per the situation. It's not an easy task to translate the personal touch in the teaching-learning process over the online sessions that are limited in all ways. By adapting to the required need to use technology, we were able to keep up the pace and efficiently work towards diverse & creative sessions.


However, the essence and intent of learning that Akshara Manèy stands for have not been compromised. Our strong fundamental guidelines about learning still stand strong and facilitators are giving their total commitment to creating long-term bonds and balanced progress.

We cautiously restarted meeting on physical campus, following all the new norms of social distancing and wearing masks. Children and adults had lost touch with nature. In a gradual manner all of us re-adjusted to what we knew best- to learn under open skies and in the open, happily getting distracted by puzzled birds and other insects! Children watched various vegetables and ragi grow.  When it was time, we even had the opportunity to work along with the farmers. Its not a easy task to stay under the sun, cutting the ragi grass, bundling it, etc. We too stretched our bodies and mind to devour as much as possible from the farm land activities.


At Akshara Manèy, we focus on helping children grow in their own capacities without the pressures of traditional grading or assessment based on academics or exam marks.. Our physical spaces and psychological freedom provide children and facilitators the perfect environment to explore and understand themselves.

We recognize that even though a group of children may be working on the same concept, each child may interpret and understand it in a unique and interesting way. Watching the children apply what they’ve learned in their activities and writing is a great revelation for the facilitator and a testament to the power of personalisation.

Every afternoon, our Circle Time is an opportunity for children to practice remembering, composing, and sharing their experiences with friends without the fear of judgement. It's the perfect way for parents to understand their children’s growth in a safe and nurturing environment. At Akshara Manèy, we understand that every child is unique and we strive to give them the best learning experience. We hope you will entrust your child to us and co-operate with us to help them reach their full potential.

Need based projects & Curriculum

Need based projects & Curriculum
The children are exposed to many concepts over the year and mostly the concepts are derived from seasons, nature, culture and seamlessly integrated to academic studies across all ages. Projects can be short or long term depending on the requirements of the group. Its is all about inspiring,  motivating and making the child learn, use the brain power, memorising only when required and using the same in later stages of practical approach. 

We have a well designed integrated curriculum - bridging the academic & technical knowledge along with self awareness & inner journey as our approach. Curriculum is customised by selected academic concepts required for a certain project along with other daily activities in an outdoor classroom.  Accordingly we have included activities such as Organic Farming, Food and Nutrition, Woodwork and Practical Engineering, regular short trips and excursions allow children to be independent, to learn and interact with locals, to explore working with natural materials (eg: soil, clay, wood, etc).

Language for communication
Children get an exposure to a minimum of 3 languages such as Kannada (state language), Samskrtam and English as a medium of communication, presentation and for scientific explorations during the projects. There is no fixed medium of teaching- learning so as to promote more languages and make ourselves at ease with people who are connecting us to many parts of India and abroad. Though it is common to hear and see adults and children communicate in English, it is neither mandatory nor a restricted language of use.

Learning outcome is dependent on each child on how uses one's intelligence. Therefore each child's path of learning and understanding in completely unique.

- key to learning

Need-based projects

& Curriculum

As educators and parents, we understand the importance of exposing children to a variety of concepts over the year. With our integrated curriculum, we bridge the academic and technical knowledge with self-awareness and an inner journey. Our approach is designed to inspire, motivate and educate children, developing their intellect and memory in a practical way. The curriculum is customised with the selected academic concepts required for each project, along with daily activities in an outdoor classroom. This includes organic farming, food and nutrition, woodwork and practical engineering. Regular short trips and excursions also give children the opportunity to be independent, learn and interact with locals, and explore working with natural materials. We believe in providing an environment where children can grow, learn, and make the most of their youthful energy.

As parents, it's important to remember the importance of teaching our children the life skills of finishing tasks, sustaining enthusiasm, and dealing with challenges. Through this approach, we can help our children to gain an appreciation for all tasks – big or small – and to understand the importance of staying focused and seeing a project all the way through. Conversationally speaking, this means teaching our children the values of commitment, perseverance, and respect, so that they can become successful, independent adults.

If you're looking for an inspiring and safe learning environment for your children, why not explore our curriculum today?

​Language for communication

It's important to ensure that our children have a comprehensive grasp of languages. At our school, we make sure that our students get the opportunity to explore a minimum of three languages, such as Kannada (state language), Samskrtam and English. This allows them to become more versatile communicators, confident presenters and better prepared for scientific exploration. 


We don't just limit our language medium to English. We recognise that children and adults may come from all over India and abroad, so we strive to create an environment that encourages the use of many different languages. Although Kannada and English are often used, it's neither mandatory nor a restricted language, as we want our children to use language as tool to connect and not isolate!

An Approach
not bound by time

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