Seamless integration of academics along with nature studies
Inside and Outside learning spaces
Our school's teaching and learning approach is based on the integration of natural settings. We adapt to the NCERT & NIOS syllabus and give children the opportunity to learn and explore outdoors, in the shelter of mango trees, or even while taking nature hikes. Situationally, we are using a variety of teaching approaches, such as chalk and board, one-on-one, while cooking or gardening, and using technology.
We aim to create a stress-free learning environment because we are aware of the special needs of each child. Together, our facilitators and peers create a setting where children can present their ideas and projects without shying away. Students build their self-awareness and communication skills through multiple learning stages, including idea generation, discussion, planning, and performance.
"Alternative" is in the approach!
Why should a school offer different learning programs?
Every child is unique and the curriculum is based on the child's capacity and is gradually designed over a time giving importance to the interest of the child and sustaining it for long periods. Over a period of time the facilitators get a fair idea about the children’s capacities and academic understanding along with their physical and mental stamina at that particular point of time. Accordingly individual or group challenges are prepared based on their learning styles viz visual, auditory, tactile and kinaesthetic. Most times these styles overlap and whichever is prevalent at that point of time is focused on.
We do not try to fit the child into the curriculum, instead create dynamic learning programs for the child
There are many education programs with standard curriculum in other places, but does it suit your child?
See and Learn
Children learn using pictures and images other than outdoor exposure in nature, by watching and observing each and every activity around them. Mixed age grouping is advantageous for such learners.
Touch, feel and understand
Very young children learn with their touch and movement. It is important to create such engaging environments for them to touch and feel (using their hands or mouth). The best place is their homes and kitchens. At our campus children use materials that are found in our homes, work in the kitchen, or in the kitchen garden, learn to recognise ingredients by sniffing or tasting. This way they exercise all their sensory organs.
Learning by listening
Memory is a key element in children and we make sure they use a lot of it. Mantras, shlokas, music lessons, academics such as Math, languages, or just any other instruction are activities that augment memory for children along with giving them a sound foundation for life. Such activities always require a mind to be alert and gather information while listening, speaking, discussions or while playing.
Experiential learning
Children thrive in a hands-on environment, in other words they are learning by engaging in activities such as experiments, writing, gardening, movement through walking, dancing, running, play, board games; basically a balanced movement of all parts of one’s body as tools for better understanding and retention of skills and awareness.
Active learning programs
Baalya - Early birds
Age group 4 to 6 years
Pedagogy through play
For very young children the journey begins in our Baalya Program. Our indoor and outdoor approach to education at this level encourages creativity and exploration. Play - the most important of early childhood education and we take that seriously and adhere to teaching by the play way method.
Ages 6 to 9 years
Nature Explorers
Our unique syllabus for Juniors is carved entirely from nature where our students explore numbers, 3 different languages, writing skills, visual arts, theatre and EVS which help in strengthening and shaping up their minds.
Prescribed text books have very little role in this environment. The curriculum is designed with an interesting and futuristic approach by the facilitators teaming up with experts in the field of education, theatre and related fields.
Learning Programs
Ojas - Bridging
Ages 10 to 13 years
When the child is of 10 years of age, when the mind and body is more robust and mentally more capable to look at academics more subjectively, bridging of academics and open learning begins . By now children begin to take their skills in a serious manner and are ready for more challenges. From this stage onwards children are grouped with the same age. This is done in order to impart the knowledge in a subject-wise methodology and also considering the physiological changes the children undergo in these growing up years. Practical projects would have given a fair idea of the concept before fine tuning keeping the child's capacities. Children are given deeper and more challenging exposure to Samskrtam, Kannada, English, Math, Science, Social Studies along with their choice of visual arts and martial art which go hand in hand till they graduate from Akshara Manèy.
Age group 13 to 15 years
a big leap...
This is a very fragile age group considering the physiological and psychological changes in children.
By the time children come to higher levels, they are more robust and have more stamina to withstand challenges. At this stage children are counselled regarding their interests and talent and encouraged to pursue them in more rigour and seriousness. The children are now exposed to more group discussion with presentations, research and projects that give best opportunities for a deeper exploration, lab activities, etc. The kitchen usually transforms into a learning ground for many concepts in Physics, Chemistry, Math or any subject for that matter. Such activities are most common sight across all ages as natural environment challenges and encourages at the same time to bring out creative ways and means to make teaching-learning a very creative activity.
Many children decide to take up NIOS examinations and begin their training towards the same. From this point onwards the children and facilitator work with a defined time table, intuitive approaches and teaching methods that can help the child be mentally and physically ready to face the exams.
We regularly have meaningful dialogues and discussion on various topics that intrigue this age group, like fear of exams and grades, will they fit into a college, how to mentally be prepared for longer hours of working, planning and working towards a goal, how to balance the challenge that grades bring into life, how important are marks in my life...and so on.
Open Learning
Self Paced Learning
For those young exuberant adolescents who always look at life differently, there are varied options to choose their path of learning, one of them is, 'Open Learning Program', where in when a child reaches the age of 13-14 years, equivalent to class 8. Such children are counselled, identifying their areas of interest and they progress towards achieving excellence in them.
Self-Paced Learning is an equally important and respected stream of learning at our center. During this period of 3 to 4 years the child along with the facilitator and other resources can clearly identify the specific skill-sets and opt to go in for internship under professionals, get on- the- job trained by successful entrepreneurs. This certainly gives a glimpse of the freedom desired by the young adult and realise the responsibilities and struggles that come along with the freedom, confidence and self esteem.
Children can opt for any form of arts, carpentry, computer graphics and coding, martial arts, etc along with a combination of any of their choice of academic subjects.
Children are never isolated from understanding their innate nature, connection to environment and discovering their intellectual capacities alongside academic knowledge and other life skills which will help them balance their future in the world outside home or school.
Periodically informal evaluations are conducted to get a fair idea, feedback and assess the learning over a period of time for all the children, who are constantly in touch with the subject and it doesn't seem difficult for them to take up assessments and evaluate their progress. Along with the child's progress it is also a self assessment and evaluation for the teacher as well. The children take feedback in a positive manner and not treat it as a judgement of their capacities despite competition and comparison enveloping and dictating the ways of the education system.
Along side everyday academics children do ask for assignments and home-works. Across all ages it is now understood that, home work = physical chores at home! For the younger children assignments are minimal and mostly observational or small hands on activities or little bit of reading/writing or age & capacity based activities. A little older and robust children, regular well planned assignments that augment their skills are given. Assignments are given as complementary aids in academic learning and not put any kind of pressure or compulsion. A little concession is given to slackness or missing submission time which is then addressed during circle times and worked towards understanding the responsibility.
Initially writing skill is tough for the tiny wrists and fragile backbones to sit and give attention. Over time, the various hands -on activities and physical work aid in strengthening the intent of the skill and the job gets done!
Self Evaluation
happiness quotient
Baalya - Early Birds
Age group
4 to 6 years
Play, Observe & Learn
For very young children the journey begins in our Baalya Program. Our indoor and outdoor approach to education at this level encourages creativity and exploration. Children learn the life within the soil, watch birds and their patterns, respect trees, grow plants, clean their learning spaces and plates and bowls, use the compost bin to watch food and other organic matter decompose turning into black gold. They also take responsibility of their belongings and while being sensitive to other's property as well. They take turns to serve each other food, pray before eating, clean up after eating. Children will be initiated into academics parallel to all these activities. Being in natural surroundings will sharpen their senses and skillsets. Children are facilitated by a trained adult and a helper always. They will have snacks freshly prepared, sing, dance, theatre activities, music lessons, etc. Since they are accustomed to Akshara Manèy atmosphere since early years it will be a smooth progression into next levels.
Play - the most important of early childhood education and we take that seriously and adhere to teaching by the play way method.
Nature Explorers
Our unique syllabus for Juniors is carved entirely from nature where our students explore Numeracy, Kannada, Samskrtam, English, Writing Skills, Visual Arts, Theatre and Nature Studies, etc which help in strengthening and shaping up their minds.
Prescribed text books have very little role in this environment. The curriculum is designed with an interesting and futuristic approach by the facilitators teaming up with experts in the field of education, theatre and related fields. Language plays a very important role, children learn chanting, music and dance lessons, make connections between - music to math/numeracy, language to communication, science of chanting to knowledge/intellectual development, etc, etiquettes, presentation skills, welcoming guests and taking care of their requirements while they are at our campus, working in teams in kitchen, hygiene maintenance, sweating it out in the garden, etc.
Tejas - Elementary
Ages 6 to 9 years
When the child is 10 years of age, when the mind and body is more robust and mentally more capable to look at academics more subjectively, bridging of academics and open learning begins . By now children begin to take their skills in a serious manner and are ready for more challenges having gained enough exposure to skills such as reading & writing. From this stage onwards children are grouped with the same age. This is done in order to impart the knowledge in a subject-wise methodology and also considering the physiological changes the children undergo in these growing up years. Practical project give a fair idea of the concept before fine tuning, keeping the child's capacities. Children are given deeper and more challenging exposure to Samskrtam, Kannada, English, Math-Numeracy, Financial Literacy, Science, Social Studies along with their choice of visual arts and martial arts which go hand in hand till they graduate from Akshara Manèy.
Ojas - Bridging
Ages 10 to 13 years
This is a very fragile age group considering the physiological and psychological changes in children. Also an age where they could start building their skills and decide on their future trajectory of careers!
By the time children come to higher levels, they are more robust and have more stamina to withstand challenges. At this stage children are counselled regarding their interests and talent and encouraged to pursue them in more rigour and seriousness. The children are now exposed to more group discussion with presentations, research and projects that give best opportunities for a deeper exploration, lab activities, etc. The kitchen, for example, usually transforms into a learning ground for many concepts in Physics, Chemistry, Math or any subject for that matter. Such activities are most common sight across all ages as natural environment challenges and encourages at the same time to bring out creative ways and means to make teaching-learning a very creative activity.
Many children decide to take up NIOS examinations and begin their training towards the same. From this point onwards the children and facilitator work with a well planned & defined time table, intuitive approaches and teaching methods that can help the child be mentally and physically ready to face the exams.
We regularly have meaningful dialogues and discussion on various topics that intrigue this age group, like fear of exams and grades, will they fit into a college, how to mentally be prepared for longer hours of working, planning and working towards a goal, how to balance the challenge that grades bring into life, how important are marks in my life...and so on.
Varchas - the big leap
Ages 14 years upwards
Learning Programs
NCERT Syllabus concepts are integrated with activities inspired from nature around us and every day activities. The intent in these initial foundational years is to strength the stamina for observation and application of the learning from that observation. The child has to tangibly feel the connection of numeracy to literacy to quantitative and qualitative capacities. Languages such as Kannada, Samskrtam and English are introduced as listening, speaking, reading and written skills to further their conceptualisation of other skills such as Math, EVS, Yoga, Theatre, Dance forms, Cooking, etc.
Children by now have built enough stamina and capacity to see different aspects stemming from a concept and are prepared gradually to grasp more abstract nuances of NCERT Syllabus. More challenges are given to them in languages as grammar and composition, essay writing, research, activities and discussions regarding Financial Literacy, Arithmetic, Algebraic & Geometrical concepts, introduction to Itihasa of Bharata, Geography & Civics are integrated. EVS has now more spectrum of Physics, Chemistry and more of nature studies in form of Biology. Physical activities are also equally increased to aid age appropriate challenges. Children engage in regular dialogues and discussions pertaining new perspectives of life and learning along with peers. Important information regarding the sudden changes in the body and mind are addressed to make them aware of themselves, to be confident of their knowledge and their physical appearances, to use this phase as a catalyst and bridge innocence and ignorance. They are at a fragile stage of building images (outer + inner) about self and the other. This is when the disciplines of Yoga, Pranayama, Theatre, Music, Chanting, Dance movements, Taekwondo help greatly to achieve attention, focus, stamina and oorja to learn explore more, question more, research more, share more, care for younger peers, stand up for themselves when facing a bully yet be gentle with a tiny ant, warm up to skill learning (reading, writing, thinking, designing, sports, art forms, etc).
When children reach class 9, they can now decide the specialisation and subjects and pursue NIOS syllabus and prepare for facing board exams in class 10. NIOS has quite an elaborate and well designed curriculum. Maximum of 7 subjects including a vocational course can be chosen and exams can be given at intervals or all at once. Children are tutored and prepared for skills required for writing an exam from the chosen subjects ( minimum 5, maximum of 7 subjects can be chosen). Facing the exam is one of the many skills and not the main focus for this age group.
Baalya - Early Birds
Age group 4 to 6 years
Play, Observe & Learn
Play, Observe & Learn
For very young children the journey begins in our Baalya Program. Our indoor and outdoor approach to education at this level encourages creativity and exploration. Children learn the life within the soil, watch birds and their patterns, respect trees, grow plants, clean their learning spaces and plates and bowls, use the compost bin to watch food and other organic matter decompose turning into black gold. They also take responsibility of their belongings and while being sensitive to other's property as well. They take turns to serve each other food, pray before eating, clean up after eating. Children will be initiated into academics parallel to all these activities. Being in natural surroundings will sharpen their senses and skillsets. Children are facilitated by a trained adult and a helper always. They will have snacks freshly prepared on campus, sing, dance, theatre activities, music lessons, etc. Since they are accustomed to Akshara Manèy atmosphere since early years it will be a smooth progression into next levels.
Play - the most important of early childhood education and we take that seriously and adhere to teaching by the play way method.
Tejas - Elementary
Ages 6 to 9 years
Nature Explorers
Our unique syllabus for Juniors is carved entirely from nature where our students explore numbers, 3 different languages, writing skills, visual arts, theatre and EVS which help in strengthening and shaping up their minds.
Prescribed text books have very little role in this environment. The curriculum is designed with an interesting and futuristic approach by the facilitators teaming up with experts in the field of education, theatre and related fields.
Learning Programs
Ojas - Bridging
Ages 10 to 13 years
Stepping up
When the child is 10 years of age, when the mind and body is more robust and mentally more capable to look at academics more subjectively, bridging of academics and open learning begins . By now children begin to take their skills in a serious manner and are ready for more challenges. From this stage onwards children are grouped with the same age. This is done in order to impart the knowledge in a subject-wise methodology and also considering the physiological changes the children undergo in these growing up years. Practical projects would have given a fair idea of the concept before fine tuning keeping the child's capacities. Children are given deeper and more challenging exposure to Samskrtam, Kannada, English, Math, Science, Social Studies along with their choice of visual arts and martial arts which go hand in hand till they graduate from Akshara Manèy.
Varchas - the big leap
Ages 14 years upwards
This is a very fragile age group considering the physiological and psychological changes in children.
By the time children come to higher levels, they are more robust and have more stamina to withstand challenges. At this stage children are counselled regarding their interests and talent and encouraged to pursue them in more rigour and seriousness. The children are now exposed to more group discussion with presentations, research and projects that give best opportunities for a deeper exploration, lab activities, etc.
Many children decide to take up NIOS examinations and begin their training towards the same. From this point onwards the children and facilitator work with a defined time table, intuitive approaches and teaching methods that can help the child be mentally and physically ready to face the exams.
We regularly have meaningful dialogues and discussion on various topics that intrigue this age group, like fear of exams and grades, will they fit into a college, how to mentally be prepared for longer hours of working, planning and working towards a goal, how to balance the challenge that grades bring into life, how important are marks in my life...and so on.
Our educators at Akshara Manèy facilitate self-learning modules to ensure that each child progresses at their own pace. We believe in instilling a sense of responsibility for one's own learning from a young age. Therefore, we provide fewer instructions and options, which helps to yield better learning outcomes for both the child and the educator.
Our philosophy is centered around exploring life through relationships and learning from these experiences. While academic learning is crucial, we also believe that it should complement other life skills.
Every educator at Akshara Manèy is responsible for creating a teaching and learning environment that fosters order, discipline, and curiosity in the child. For such a relationship to thrive, there must be mutual trust, empathy, care, collaboration, exchange, motivation, and respect between the educator and child.
There is no place for fear, competition, comparison, reward, or punishment in building a lifetime commitment towards education.
Educators and parents act as a bridge between the child and the school education, providing support for self-development, pedagogy, aptitude, behaviour, and non-judgmental academic assessments and evaluation.
Children are encouraged to interact and dialogue freely and frankly with respect for each other and the educator. We maintain a balance between informal and casual, with patience and affection in teaching, while still prioritising discipline and excellence.
Our journey with each child is a beautiful one, and we take teaching and learning seriously at Akshara Manèy. Only educators and parents who share this interest can be a part of our community.